Here is a more detailed recap of how the Howard Stern appearance went, from
MarksFriggin.comMike And Aaron From Staind Perform Live. 06/03/09. 8:30amAfter the break we heard a prank call the guys had John the Stutterer make to an internet relay service. Fred also played Steven Stills performing ''Love The One You're With'' as they were coming back.
Howard came back and said he was killing some time while Aaron from Staind was out smoking a cigarette. Gary said he called Aaron back before he had the chance to smoke. Howard said it upsets him when a singer smokes. He said he'll lecture him when he comes back.
Howard had the guys come in after that. Howard told Aaron about the cigarette thing because he has such a beautiful voice. One of the other guys, Mike, said it bothers him too. Howard said it must drive the rest of the band nuts when they see their singer smoking.
Aaron wasn't talking. He said it actually kind of sucks because he had quit for 5 years before he had started again. He said the first ultrasound for his third child made him start smoking. He said that they found out that it could have had down syndrome and that drove him back to smoking. Aaron said he had one cigarette and started again. Then they went back and the ultrasound found the kid was fine but he's still smoking. Artie said it would have been nice if the kid had a hair lip or something at least.
Howard asked Aaron what he does when he wants to go smoke now that all of the buildings are smoke free. He said he'll go into a bathroom and blow it out the exhaust fan or something.
Gary said he knows it must be a big pain in the ass. Gary said Aaron asked what would happen if he just smoked there. Gary said they would come in and stop him. He said Ronnie would be forced to stop him. Aaron said it was a little irritating when he got called back up right as he took the cigarette out and didn't even get to light it.
Howard asked how much he's smoking a day. Aaron said it's just one pack a day. Artie said that people complain about smoke stinking but thy let you shit in a bathroom and not smoke in there.
Howard said the guys are going out on tour this summer and they've lowered the price of tickets to make it affordable for the fans. Aaron said that they saw that the stimulus plan money went and the it was to bail out these big corporations instead of the citizens.
Howard asked Aaron who he voted for. Aaron said they were out on tour and he didn't vote. He said that's no excuse though but he didn't think that either of them were the right choice. Aaron said that when a business is failing they should be allowed to fail so others can come in behind them and create new business.
Robin asked about what they're supposed to do about lots of other people losing their jobs when these big companies go out of business. Aaron said the government isn't supposed to get involved.
Howard said they had food shipped up there in honor of Aaron. The restaurant Pump sent it up. Howard said he got some vodka from Aaron too and it was really good. Aaron said he's not in business with the guy or anything, he just knows the guy who imports it. Aaron said that he smokes weed but he's unable to plug his weed dealer. The vodka is called Hammer and Sickle.
Howard said today it's just Mike and Aaron in there to perform. Howard said the guys were asked to do some cover versions of some songs and then he'll play their new album... which has actually been out for a year now.
Howard said the guys are going to do two tunes for them today. They said that they picked out a couple of songs to cover and they're just random. Aaron said that he's going to be doing a cover of Bob Seger's song ''Turn the Page.'' Artie said he loves that song.
Artie told a story about going to do a show in Chicopee, Massachusetts and Mike from Staind showed up to the show. Mike said he saw him at Foxwoods too. Artie said that's how cool these guys are.
Howard said that Aaron is going to be doing a solo album and he figured the band must be pissed. Aaron said that he's not going anywhere, this is just a way to express himself in another way. He said he's not leaving the band. Howard asked mike if he's upset about it. Mike said he's assuming that he will come back so he's okay with it.
Howard said maybe this is like Fergie leaving the Black Eyed Peas and going back. That led to Artie saying that she's a sucky singer but Aaron said she's actually a great singer. Artie said he knows that, he just didn't have another joke.
Howard said that Aaron shouldn't be going out and doing other songs that he could be doing with the band. Mike said that's a good question. Robin asked why he can't do this stuff with Staind. Artie said maybe he wants to get a good guitarist. Aaron said it's that and it's just a different way to express himself. He said he has envisioned it as being completely different to the band.
Howard said he was going to shut up now so they can perform their songs. Aaron said he'd like it if they kept talking. Howard said they were going to perform ''True Colors'' as well as ''Turn the Page.'' Howard said he loves ''True colors'' and told them to do whatever they wanted to do first. Howard told them to ride the Sybian while they performed the song too.
Mike started them off with the ''True Colors'' thing but he forgot the song. He had to start over a couple of times. Mike said he wasn't even high. Mike asked Artie to do a benefit show for him so he could get some guitar lessons.
Mike started a third time and said this was going to be it. Aaron told him he did it right the first time around. Mike said he just couldn't get it right. He tried a fourth time. Mike said he never gets nervous in front of 60,000 people but he's nervous in front of Howard. Mike said he's been playing guitar for 34 years and he's screwing up only today.
Mike got it pretty right on the fifth or sixth try. Aaron was finally able to sing the song. They went through Cyndi Lauper's ''True Colors.'' Aaron said he could hear his heart beating in his voice in the middle of the song.
After the song Aaron said it was a rocky beginning there. Howard said he loved it. Howard said he listens to Coffeehouse on SIRIUS and that's the kind of stuff they play on there. He said he loved the song. Robin was eating during that. She said the song was beautiful.
Howard asked Aaron if he remembers the lyrics to those songs. Aaron said he forgets the lyrics to their songs but he remembers lyrics to other people's songs. He said he'll just forget in the middle of a song where he's at and he'll just change them to express that he screwed up. He said he's actually started laughing in the middle of a song before.
Howard asked the guys if they watch American Idol. Aaron said he watched the whole thing. Mike didn't sound interested. Aaron talked about why he thought the guy won on Idol and why the other guy lost. He said the guy that lost had the same sound in every song. He said he could sing his ass off though.
Artie asked them to please perform ''Turn the Fucking Page'' before he killed himself during that American Idol discussion.
Howard had the guys do their thing with that song. Aaron said Scott the Engineer is just sucking today. He said the headphones are all fucked up and crackling. Howard asked Scott what's going on. Aaron and Mike said that they get why Howard goes off on him all the time. Howard said this is the simplest set up they've ever had. Scott did something that fixed the problem.
Mike and Aaron got into the song after that. Mike didn't screw up the opening to ''Turn the Page.'' Aaron screwed up the lyrics though. They got into it about a minute and Aaron just forgot for half a second. Artie reminded him what they were but Aaron knew them, he just paused for a half a second.
Howard asked the guys if they wanted to try again. Aaron said that it's just coming out about the hacks that they really are. The last 6 times they were on they were just lucky. Howard asked if they wanted him to light Scott on fire.
Howard told the guys to try it again. They're professional singers. Howard told Aaron to pretend he's Chris from American Idol. Artie told him to look at him during the song and he'd help him with the lyrics. Aaron said he wouldn't make it through the song if he looked at Artie.
Robin was choking on some food so Artie said ''She's choking, just like Aaron and Mike.'' The guys got into the song again after that. They made it through the whole song this time.
After the song Howard told them it was a great job. Artie said it was unbelievable. Howard asked if they ever met Bob Seger. Aaron said they met him quickly but he didn't hear them perform the song. Howard asked what happened to that guy. Aaron said the guy lost his voice. Howard asked how that happened. Aaron said he would blow out his voice and then go smoke. Just like Aaron.
Howard asked Aaron if he was a singer in school. He said he was always in chorus. Artie let out a cough saying ''Homo!'' when he heard that.
Howard asked Aaron if he always knew he was going to be a singer. Aaron said he did. Howard said he hates to think about Aaron running off to do the solo thing. He said the band has to be worried about that. Aaron told him to stop with that.
Artie said the guy's album is called ''The Illusion Of Progress'' which he thinks is a great title. He asked the guys if they think that Seger going out and selling off his songs to Chevy commercials is another reason he got out of the business. Artie said maybe he just wanted to go out and smell the roses and get out of the business. Robin said they'd have to ask ''Pete'' about that. She screwed up another name so the guys corrected her on that.
Howard said he'll have to tell Cyndi Lauper about their cover of her song. Artie told them that they'd do great with ''Girls Just Want to Have Fun'' too.
Howard gave the guys some plugs for their upcoming tour and said you can find more at He then played a single off their album ''The Illusion Of Progress'' as they were going to break.